The new Deftones is out today everywhere and you should all get it. (I just got mine =) Don't download it and go buy it ====> Diamond Eyes
Good music is rare nowadays so we need to support great artists who try to make it happen. I won't write a detailed review because I might have some trouble being a 100% objective and i feel everything has already been said about it. If you want an opinion about it, just go read the reviews on iTunes and you'll know that this record is close to be their best one. The first time i listened to some songs few months ago i was blown away. Chino's voice is pushing it's limits, experimenting new horizons, more focused, the drums are surprising and once again amazing.
I would give a thumbs up to the songs I've Seen the Butcher, Risk and Beauty School, and to The Cardigans cover on the deluxe edition, super Cure-ish.
That's said, you should also check them out live from Texas on ustream TODAY @ 5pm (PST)/8pm(EST), so click click click!
And please don't forget about our dear friend Chi, visit the oneloveforchi site for the latest updates on his condition and/or if you feel like donating. Thanks!
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